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“On Sunday 22nd December, Weoley Hill Tennis Club celebrated 100 years since it had been founded, with a social tennis event followed by a reception in the Village Hall. It drew in upwards of 60 members covering several decades, including past Chairs and Secretaries as well as more recent members. One of the longstanding members, Jo Adams, had painstakingly researched the origin and early years of the club, using the village hall committee meeting records as a key source. The Club had been founded as part of the Bournville development of the Weoley Hill area and the Tennis Committee, when formed, had played an important role in community participation in the development of social and sporting facilities in the area.


Others shared more recent history, especially the near demise of the club and its facilities in the 1980s, and how the local community had come together to ensure the courts remained to provide local opportunities for the junior players. Elaine Spencer talked through her fifty years as a member and how the club had grown and strengthened.Tom Barton on behalf of the Warwickshire LTA, presented the club with a map of Warwickshire as part of the celebration.

Social Secretary, Lesley Fuller, with a team of volunteers had organised a celebratory buffett and a special cake.  All present toasted to the success of the club in the next 100 years!”



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